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Apple’s Acquisition Binge Spree

Apple’s Acquisition Binge Spree
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The Daily Stack

April 7, 2020
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Apple’s Acquisition Binge Spree
Over the past year, Apple ramped up its services front with serial acquisitions eyeing critical players in the app ecosystem (i.e., data providers, high IP companies, content providers) and positioning itself for the future.

Just last week, 3 attention-grabbing acquisitions were announced- Dark Sky, NextVR, Voysis. Flush with cash, Apple is on a shopping spree to help it transition into a services company.
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How 3M managed through a crisis
Streamlining and not losing sight of R&D. 
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Launching in a crowded market
Quibi launching at the worst time?
Last week, PrivCo has updated
964 profiles, 141 M&A deals, and 80 fundraising activities

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Airbnb is raising $1 billion amid Covid-19 [CNBC] [Airbnb]*
WeWork sues Softbank over canceled $3B tended offer [TechCrunch] [WeWork]*
Foursquare merges with Factual, another Location-Data Provider [WSJ] | Financials: [FourSquare] [Factual]*
Facebook released a new Data for Good Tool to track social distancing [CNBC] [FaceBook]*
OctoML raises 15M optimizing ML models [GeekWire] [OctoML] *
San Diego biotech agency Canale acquired by billion-dollar communications group [San Deigo Union] [Canale]*
Sondermind, mental health marketplace raises 27M [American Inno] [Sondermind]*

* Private Company Financials
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